Founder’s Message

Founder’s Message


Education is a single most important tool for us to make a civilized and progressive society. On one hand we need to equip ourselves with factual knowledge and technical skills so that we can make technical advancements, cure diseases, produce food and answers to the question of life and cosmos. On the other hand we also need to inculcate qualities like camaraderie- to work together; kinship- to share our progress and positive outlook to make a just and inclusive society. This the mission of our trust- we shall always strive to provide education with value system. We seek your support, guidance and participation towards this goal.
Founder Chairman

Dr. Sant Kumar Chaudhary

Dr Sant Kumar Chaudhary has been felicitated with “Bharat Gaurav Samman”. Bharat Gaurav Award” Lifetime achievement award is prestigious award where people from all our World who achieve a landmark in their working area and made India proud, are being awarded in Grand Ceremony in The House of Commons, British Parliament, London, England.